The Spectrum of News Quality
The perceived and actual quality of news media sources is a current, hot topic.
The Alt-right, Trump, nihilists, and philosophical skeptics promote the notion that truth is unknowable. art of the difficulty in identifying factual news from truly false news is the sheer volume of disinformation. One can however, sort falsehood and the more likely from the vast amount of propaganda, hype, spin, and information we encounter.
I see it as intellectually lazy to accept that fake news cannot be sorted from accurate news. And, I do not buy into the notion that ‘mainstream’ media news sources contain excessive fake news.
There is a lot of disinformation, with much of it produced intentionally by disinformers. The Alt-right, Trump, and Trump supporters are the source of a lot of disinformation.
There are many good news sources utilizing honest, principled journalists taking significant risks to obtain accurate news of often dangerous events.
My discussions of Media sources are primarily contained in an ‘Informative Sources’ webpage and a ‘Disinformative Sources’ webpage.